Saturday, June 1, 2013


We had a great flight to Gemena! The ride was smooth on the 10 passenger plane. We flew over dense forest for the entire 4 hour flight north.  This place is amazing. It is lush and green with bright red dirt. There is beauty every where you look.

When we arrived on Friday afternoon  we were greeted by singing children and adults waving flowers and greenery. It was so joyful! 

We got settled in and were taken to the Big Sunday service (on Friday) This is a gathering of churches from all over the region. We were cheered for and waved to by 100's of people as we drove in. There was singing and dancing and shaking of many hands. We commented later that in the United States you would get this kind of greeting after accomplishing something great like winning a championship or a gold medal. Here, they greeted us that way before they even knew us.  It was done with such love and joy! 

Today, we visited CEUM schools, clinics and an orphanage. The work that these Congolese church members are doing in the community is incredible. 

We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with Tim and Helen Smith in their home and had a Congolese feast at President Mboke's home tonight. It was an honor to sit at the table with him. He is a man that is continuing to bring peace and love to the CEUM church. 

The team is doing great! We are drinking a crazy amount of water in the sweltering heat. There has been no sickness or health issues. Praise God! 

I just can't wait to share pictures with you all! Thank you again for all your prayers! Please continue because they are felt!

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