Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Relax and Enjoy the Journey

As I write I am sitting on a flight headed to Brussels and then will board a flight to Kinshasa, Congo. The journey has begun.  I have been preparing, anticipating and getting excited.  I was at peace about going to place that was unknown, unsafe and uncomfortable.  I have felt God's clear call.  Yet in that process, my humanness hit me in a way I wasn't expecting.  A few days before departure, I started to question and felt that peace was becoming more illusive.  I still could feel very excited about the mission and people awaiting in Congo and still wanted to personally experience that but Iwas getting nervous.  I prayed for God to calm my fears.

This morning the words came back to me from my devotion on the day I committed to go.  "Relax and enjoy the journey?"  They were God given words to me at a time  I needed to be reminded of them.  After pondering and praying, I felt a sense of calm come over me.  I can relax and  trust in a God who is faithful.  I am comforted by so many who have committed to pray for our team.  The  journey is not only about the physical trip there.  It is about the process of allowing God to touch and transform me.  It is about  how lives can be impacted by the hope only God can bring to the poorest people in the world.  The journey is also about the amazing things that can take place after the physical trip is completed.

Thank you God, for your reminder to me to relax and enjoy the journey.

Note:  This was written on Monday but I wasn't able to post it until now.  We arrived safely at the guest house in Kinshasa late Tuesday night after leaving on Monday morning.  We had an incredible day being shown around Kinshasa by the leaders of the CEUM, the Covenant church in Congo.  We visited a clinic, schools, a house church, had lunch in a pastor's home and even spoke at a church service where everyone person present (around 100) spoke and shook our hands.  It was an amazing day!  Thank you for your prayers, and oh yes, I am relaxing and enjoying the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Denee,

    I am so excited about your journey! I am inspired at how closely you listened for God in all of this and how ultimately obedient you have been to the call! I can't wait to hear your story of transformation upon your return! Know that my prayers are with you and all of the Vision Trippers on this, your journey of transformation!-Reesheda N. Washington
