Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We have arrived!

"We are safe and sound this morning in the Kinshasa Guest House after a few flight delays and one flat tire (on a van in Kinshasa )." - Jerry

"We spent the day in Kinshasa, we were lunch guest at a family's home.  We had an amazing bonding experience.  I got to hold the hand of a 2nd grade girl, that had pierced ears, just like my daughter Ava."  - Denee

"Greetings from Kinshasa! After a few hours sleep we spent all day touring Kinshasa with pastors of the CEUM covenant church. It was an amazing day with much to take in. We toured schools, a clinic, churches and much of this wild city. We ended the day at a service of church leaders where each of us spoke and personally greeted each of the 100+ people in a receiving line. Tomorrow we leave at 7 to tour World Vision." - Diann

The team also meet at the local missionary CEUM (picture below) to hear about how God is at work in DR Congo.

Thanks for everyone's prayers so far.

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