Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tomorrow begins a new chapter in my life

Tomorrow is the day… wheels up at 1:00PM.  We've had all of our vaccinations... we have our Visas, we have spent more money than we ever imagined on items that we would not need here in the US but just might need in the remote villages of Congo.  We are excited-about what God is doing in us, our church, and how we might be used to help people on the other side of the planet.

So far, this has been quite a journey and we have not set foot on a plane yet.  The first phase lasted a few weeks - the initial elation about getting to travel to the Congo and be part of the good things happening in that war ravaged country.  And then came the realities of the costs.  Cost measured in time, finances, and emotions.  Finances were the area that loomed in front of us as the most challenging. Looking back, it was the area that came together the easiest. It had been a very long time since I asked anyone for a dime, let alone for thousands of dollars.  God used this situation to bring me to a new place and learn to rely on others while trusting Him to make it all happen.   I am so thankful to the generous families who have sacrificed and given money that was probably earmarked for other needs or projects.  Once the miracles began to happen… and I mean miracles with finances, the next phase was study.  All of us on the team began to devour hours of You Tube video, books on the history of the Congo, books about working in third world countries and how to deal with what we will encounter.

And now we are here thanks to dozens and dozens of generous people from around the country who have made this trip possible. We were “commissioned” by our church today and had the opportunity to give the congregation a status update. 

This has all been a process… phases woven in and around hours and hours of prayer and contemplation.  Second guessing reasons, motivations, dangers, and anything that can be imagined about a place so foreign to our way of life, but confident about our mission.  We are ready, energized, and excited about the next two weeks… stay tuned.

To see the team's pre-trip videos follow this link to the Covenant Kid's Congo Web site: Blog

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