Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday update

Today was another incredible day!  We started today at World Vision headquarters in Kinshasa and participated in their staff devotions. Then we heard an awesome presentation about the importance of World Visions work in the Congo and how incredible the Gemena Ledia Area Development Project is.  A typical project starts with a goal of sponsoring 1,000 children and its its final stages ends up sponsoring around 4,000 children. In Gemena, we started by sponsoring 6,200 children in under a year. This has been an incredible experience for World Vision to partner with us and they are very grateful! It was neat to see how powerful this mutual connection can be!

We visited a community farm that is now a sustainable project with pigs and crops that they share with people all over that area. It is allowing these farmers to send their children to school and save money to purchase more land.

Then we visited a ADP that has been around for a few years and saw the school that World Vision built. We had lunch over looking the Congo River with the World Vision team. It was breathtaking!

When we arrived home we were able to greet Flory Buki's mom. Flory is a member at Naperville Covenant that was born and raised in Congo.  His mom was able to get her visa in Kinshasa and will be returning with us to Chicago next Friday. Praise God that all the details came together! 

Your prayers are felt.  I personally continue to feel an indescribable peace about being here. Our team is so grateful for your support!

Tomorrow we hop on our MAF flight to Gemena at 8am and spend the rest of
our time there. We will do our best to send updates when we can.


Denee and the Team

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these updates! I am so glad to hear it is going well so far; you and the team continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
